Excess fat in the abdomen is a byproduct when the weight is too much, because it is strange to see someone with a large abdomen and does not have problems with obesity. Obesity has become a deadly pest of the century and is presented in many countries across the world, in some reaches a few cups of almost 40%. This translates into hundreds of millions of dollars a year, lost on the economy and other so many expenses in doctors from obesity-related conditions. לעומת זאת, רמי יהושע בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. Obesity is a medical term given to a condition where the body accumulates fat to the point that becomes a health hazard. There are many ways in which people accumulate excess fat and therefore also in the abdomen. One of the main reasons to accumulate fat in the abdomen is with diets high in calories, with an emphasis on fast foods.

Fast foods have become very common in many countries because many people don't have time to buy your food and prepare them themselves. This is essentially because the structure socio-economic demand many functions of people in time and when they get home, they are so tired for also having to cook. The easiest alternative is frequenting fast food that you can buy in restaurants or in some stores that sell meals to carry. Most of the restaurants of fast foods, fried foods and they try not to use trans fats, but they utilize fats that increase the calories and cholesterol from food. Some foods may have up to 3000 calories in a single serving is the daily requirement of total calories according to the web site where the the USFDA food pyramid. Another reason why people accumulate fat in the abdomen is the lack of exercise. When one is aware that you have diets high in calories and does not exercise enough to burn off the fat that accumulates, then it is inevitable accumulate fat in the abdomen.


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